Ecuadorian call for Projects in research


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CEPRA speech

CEPRA is the Ecuadorian fund for Research, Development and Innovation (R+D+i) projects, whose objective is to finance research groups in all fields. CEPRA's funding supports Ecuador's scientific and academic community by enabling networking among researchers from CEDIA's member institutions. A total of 143 projects have been awarded since its first call in 2009, with the participation of 32 CEDIA member institutions, which has led to the generation of 230 publications by participating researchers and in this way CEDIA contributes to the development of scientists and academics in Ecuador.
The CEPRA Speech is an activity in which the research groups present the results obtained in a short video (5 - 8 minutes) in elevator pitch style. The CEPRA Speech session ends with a discussion between the researchers and the attendees about their results, technology transfer and future research work. This activity brings together researchers from various fields of study to share their experiences and the results they obtained during their work on the CEPRA project. This event allows new and interesting contacts and future inter-institutional collaborations in different fields. For this edition, TICEC presents a new collection of CEPRA SPEECH videos with the participation of 20 CEPRA research teams from its fourteenth and fifteenth call. Researchers from all over Ecuador will share their experiences with professionals, students and attendees.

Winning video TICEC 2021: Restauración Ecológica

CEPRA projects TICEC 2021